- Model: KM0542
- Weight: 0.08kg
The performer displays a set of 8 cards picturing 8 different animals on them. A spectator is instructed to shuffle the cards, then merely think of one of the animals.
The cards are mixed ny the spectator, and spread face down on the table.
The performer now randomly taps the cards, as the spectator mentally spells the name of the animal he thought of, and calls STOP when the full name has been spelt. For example if he thought of Tiger he would mentally spell T-I-G-E-R, one letter for every time the performer tapped a card, and call stop on the fifth tap.
When this has been done, the performer asks what was the selected card. On being told, the card stopped at is turned over, and seen to be the very card the spectator selected.
Although this is based on an old spelling effect, the use of cards which can be shuffled by a spectator before and after his selection makes this a baffling mystery, even for magicians not aquatinted with the secret.
We supply you 8 cards colorfully printed with the 8 animal designs and full instructions.