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Some in the empty cup.
The performer's take a smoke, will be the mouth spit smoke into meters transparent empty cup.
As early as in a hundred years ago, the magician will use various methods, so that the sealing glass container smokes.
The magician put an empty glass viewers see, is indeed a common cup. Then at the mouth of the cup cover an empty dish, then put the cup and saucer with a handkerchief covered.
All action is clearly, absolutely nothing suspicious.
The magician came onto the stage, please any one smoking audience will puff over, grabbed the cup to the direction, a throw, said "smoke" has been thrown into the cup.
The magician walks past her handkerchief, and, strange to say, all full cup is white smoke!
Comes Gimmick & Teaching Video. Silk, Glass, Dish you can use your own.
, Glass
, Cup
, Dish
, container
, empty
, saucer
, silk
, handkerchief
, cover
, stage magic
, puff
, gimmick
, fire magic